Kripalu Maharaj surrounded by female followers who have likely given him their heart, soul — and bodies.
By Karen Jonson (Rishika)
Originally Published: 8 October 2012
Updated and Republished: 22 February 2025
Note from blog post author, Karen Jonson (Rishika): This blog post is one of the 10 blog posts on, written by me, Karen Jonson (Rishika), that Jagadguru Kripalu Parishat tried to remove from the internet by devious means. Why don’t they want you to know this information?
I have made some changes to this post, including shortening it to just the messages I received from victims of Kripalu Maharaj and Jagadguru Kripalu Parishat.
I am republishing the rest of this original post into two shorter blog posts.
You can find the first new blog post here: An Open Letter from Many Voice.
The second new blog post is coming soon.
This blog post also includes 115 comments — which are very informative and eye opening.
Letters from People Abused by Kripalu Maharaj
Since I launched a Facebook page called RishikaXCult (originally called “The Truth Project for Barsana Dham and JKP”), many people have written to me and detailed their abuse by this organization.
Also, since the launch of my book, Sex, Lies, and Two Hindu Gurus, I have heard from many more people. They write to me with their shocking and heartbreaking stories of sexual molestation, pressure to give vast sums of money, and the intentional and unrepentant tearing apart of families.
Here are a few of their voices:
“I even witnessed Kripalu replacing a young girl’s hand on his private parts during charan seva.”
Dear Karen,
I was a JKP devotee from Turkey since I was five years. I never visited the Barsana Dham ashram in the USA but went to India 3 ashrams three times.
Since the first moment I entered the ashram in Mangarh, I sensed something was very wrong. Something very contradictory with spirituality was happening there.
As the boyfriend of person who has been a devotee for 10 years, I trusted her spiritual sensibilities. I tried hard to understand the spirituality behind what my eyes were seeing. Each time I failed. All I could see there was a crazy effort to make us give whatever we have and the guru’s hedonism.
I even witnessed Kripalu replacing a young girl’s hand on his private parts during charan seva. They were starting to allow men into this seva to prove it was okay. One day one of the didi preachers asked me if my wife would like to participate in a very special seva with Kripalu. (We had told them we were married so we could stay in a room together.)
I think my look told her the answer was a big NO WAY. She told me to ask her and think about it. Now, thanks to your reporting, I know exactly what she would have been expected to do if she was alone with Kripalu. I was right all along about that place.
Best Regards,
“Hopefully, I can get some insight on how to pull my wife out of this mess.”
Hi Karen,
My wife is currently involved with Barsana Dham in the USA and has been affiliated with them for the past 15 years or so. The stories in your book resonate with what is going on with her. I really appreciate you writing about your experiences.
Hopefully, I can get some insight on how to pull her out of this mess. She is currently in India to attend ceremonies for a new temple there. She’s been under the influence of these people, and they’ve basically brainwashed her to the point of extorting money. That is money I’ve been saving for the past 30 years for our retirement.
“I was called one morning to go to his room for “private time.” And I was molested by him.”
Anonymous girl
Hi Karen,
I read your book, and the story is eerily similar to what I have gone through for 17 years. Unfortunately, my parents ignored me when I told them the story about when Kripalu was in the U.S. in 2005.
I was called one morning to go to his room for “private time.” And I was molested by him. I also saw many other girls from the Bay Area and girls who were visiting from other parts of the country, including Canada go into his room. They came out crying and devastated. This all happened without the knowledge of any of our parents. I could not believe it was happening.
Last year my brother took his new wife to see Kripalu. I warned him not let her see him in private. He knows what goes on too because his ex-girlfriend slept with Kripalu. The devastating part is that he STILL believes in this person and his organization.
I just hope that I can get my family and extended family out of Jagadguru Kripalu Parishat. It is an uphill battle. Trust me. There are just way too many lives destroyed on this organization.
There are kids who were involved in this organization with their parents who have end up as heavy drinkers, doing drugs, and getting involved in gangs. This HAS to stop. This is a battle for me with my parents and brother because I have gone through it, and I don’t want to stop trying to wake them up.
Thank you for listening.
Were You Abused in JKP? Tell Your Story.
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Learn More About Kripalu’s True History in My New Book.
Coming Soon!
Sex God — The Secret Life of a Dark, Dark Guru
Copyright © 2012-2025 Karen Jonson/RishikaXcult. All rights reserved. No part of this blog post may be copied or duplicated without the express permission of the author.