Photo: This is the three daughters and one son and one grandson of Shri Kripalu Maharaj taken several years ago. They are celebrating something in front of statues of the dead Kripalu and his wife, Amma, in the bedroom of Kripalu. This is not normal! Image used under Fair Use rules for educational and research purposes.
By Karen Jonson (Rishika)
Published: 24 November 2024
Two cars. One large truck. Three daughters of Jagadguru Kripalu Parishat. Five servants.
All of them collided in a horrific car accident on a stretch of highway in India between Vrindaban and Delhi at 4:00 a.m., Sunday, November 24, 2024.
Now, one of the daughters is dead. The oldest. Vishakha Tripathi. She stood out from her sisters. For one, she has very fair skin. In fact, she is white. She also has a commanding presence.Â
The other two sisters are dark skinned. They liked to boss people, but don’t have the charisma of their older sister. As of this writing, both are lying in an ICU in a private hospital in Delhi. I’ve been told they are not doing well.
Also, the five servants of the three sisters are not doing well.
Some or all of them may pull out of it and rebound. Or maybe not. It’s in God’s hands now, right?
Are They Really Divine Beings?
There is some irony here though. Because within the physically and mentally confining environment of the JKP organization, the three sisters are viewed as “divine beings.” Specifically, they are believed to be three of the eight main gopis of Lord Shree Krishna.
Gopis for those who don’t know, are the “milk maidens” of Divine Vrindaban. They live their entire existence to serve and worship Lord Krishna. Their pastimes with him include everything from scolding him for his naughty childhood antics, to swimming naked with him in a pool of water, to dancing the ras leela with him, to making love to him.Â
Talk of gopis was also, you may not know, a primary talking point when one of the women or underage girls needed to be talked into having sex with Kripalu Maharaj by another female. They would say something like, “Don’t you want to be a gopi with Lord Krishna in Divine Vrindaban? You can be one now with Kripalu and receive his divine grace.”
You would think, perhaps, that a Divine Gopi, living on this earth would not need to experience such an inglorious death. Killed on a highway at night. Left to die until someone reported it. Near death by the time an ambulance arrived. Dying as the medical team is racing to survive her. Then just dead. Like any other mortal.
Why Bother With College When You Can Support Your Pedophile Father?
Vishakha (called Badi Didi in the ashram, meaning  “oldest sister” and meant as an term of endearment) was the leader of the threesome. The odd threesome.Â
We are told the three daughters of Kripalu went to college and got doctorate degrees. But they never, ever used their alleged doctorates. Instead, they lived and traveled with their father, the infamous “guru” who ran a small spiritual organization starting in the early 1950s. Until it became a very large organization around 2000 when the big bucks started rolling in.Â
So, they spent their whole life after college just following their dad around from temple to temple as he went about his lifestyle. He showed up in the satsang hall a few times a day. Ate a couple of meals. Napped. Raped (preferably a 12- to 15-year-old girl). And occasionally did a bit of charity for a PR photo or video.
All the women in the ashram helped with the raping. They brought him the girls. Everyone, from his servant women, to his female preachers, to his female devotees, to his daughters.
Why did they even bother with college educations, let alone alleged doctorates?
So, now one is gone. Two might be left. Time will tell. Probably very quickly.
$1 Billion-Plus in a Complicated Network of India-based Trusts
After Kripalu’s death in 2013, I was told that the three daughters proclaimed that now was the time for “woman power.”
But if they all three meet their demise at the same time, then what? All that’s left are men. Two brothers and four grandsons.
What happens to the five ashrams under the Jagadguru Kripalu Parishat banner and the trust fund. The $1 billion dollar or more trust fund?
The funds are locked in tight in a “complicated network of India based trusts,” so I was told by a lawyer.
I was in India, when the three sisters, Kripalu Maharaj, and Swami Prakashanand Saraswati drove from Barsana, India, to Delhi, India, to sign all the paperwork for the more advanced trust they had just set up. In other words, it was easier to hide their money if they are ever sued for raping girls.
(There is supposedly one devotee from America also is, or was, engaged with that trust. She is someone who made millions upon millions of dollars, although in a highly unscrupulous business sector.)
What Role Do the Grandsons Play in this Family Cash Grab?
What I’ve heard from a very reliable source is this: The three grandsons of the eldest sons are the favorites of the three sisters. They MIGHT be the successors to the crown jewels.
The other grandson? Well, here’s what the supporters of the three sisters tell people before every satsang in the locations where he preaches under the banner of the Kripalu Maharaj name: “He is not a preacher from Jagadguru Kripalu Parishat.”
I’ve been told the response from his supporters is:
“He never said that he has come from JKP to give discourses. Then why so much tension? Spreading this wrong notion that he is not from JKP. Is it right? His only identity is that he is the grandson of our beloved Gurudev and perhaps Maharaj ji has revealed him as his grandson to take forward the work of Shri Maharaj.
“It would be a crime to have such a wrong thought about him. We all also tell and explain to our friends and relatives about Maharaj ji’s premras siddhant, so do we need to take permission from JKP for this too? We are fortunate that Shri Maharaj ji’s grandson himself has come to our city. If someone really believes in Maharaj Ji, then he should cooperate wholeheartedly in this work. Radhe Radhe”
Like the Family from the TV Show Succession, Except it’s a Sex Cult
Further, I’ve been told the following:
“There is a serious battle within the Kripalu family. There are two groups in every ashram.”
- Those who go to see the sisters. They are not allowed to meet the brothers in their part of the ashrams.
- Those who go to see the brothers. Those people are not allowed in the three sisters area in the ashrams.
Since all the power and financial transactions have been under the three sisters’ control, the brothers are fighting for rights over the ashrams and the money, which is partially explained in this news article from 2013.
An Unseemly Battle Erupts Over Spiritual Trust within JKP
A few excerpts from the article:
“A war of legacy has broken out in a well-known charitable trust founded by a spiritual guru, pitting his three daughters against the family of one of his two sons.
“The Jagadguru Kripalu Parishat (JKP) is a multi-billion-rupee charitable trust founded by the late Jagadguru Kripaluji, who passed away in November last year.”
“Trust spokesperson Muktanand told IANS that the death of Jagadguru, as he was widely known, has led to unexpected convulsions in the trust.
“The Jagadguru, the spokesperson added, had anointed his eldest daughter, Vishakha Tripathi, as his spiritual heir.”
“Since the Jagadguru died, the trustees say that Divya Shukla, the estranged wife of Ghanshyam Tripathi, a son of the late holy figure, has begun frequently visiting the Mangarh Ashram.
“’Ever since the demise of Kripaluji Maharaj, all of them are stationed at Mangarh with the seeming intention of taking over the trust and demanding the respect of the devotees,’” Muktanand told IANS.”
Now What?
This brewing family powder keg that is bubbling away behind the curtain of Jagadguru Kripalu Parshat (something that most common people never see), leads to a rather obvious question:
Was the recent car wreck just a tragic accident, karma for what they helped their dad do in his bedroom for so many years, or something more sinister?
I don’t know. Do you?
Copyright © 2024 Karen Jonson/RishikaXcult. All rights reserved. No part of this blog post may be copied or duplicated without the express permission of the author.