Home JKP Past An Open Letter from Many Voices to Kripalu Parishat, the Cult of the Self-Proclaimed Guru, Kripalu Maharaj

An Open Letter from Many Voices to Kripalu Parishat, the Cult of the Self-Proclaimed Guru, Kripalu Maharaj

by Karen Jonson (Rishika)
Published: Updated: 0 comments
Notice posted by concerned citizens about Kripalu Maharaj

A copy of the notice mentioned in the article that was the original document distributed in locations within UP to warn the public about Kripalu’s secret sexual activities with women and girls.

By Karen Jonson (Rishika)

Originally Published: 8 October 2012

Published: 22 February 2025

These Voices Deserve to Be Heard Over JKP’s Ongoing Lies and Propaganda

When Kripalu Maharaj (aka, Ram Tripathi) was still alive, Jagadguru Kripalu Parishat heralded the commencement of a “historic” event one evening. He gave a lecture from Vrindaban that was broadcast around India on several television stations. Likely millions heard him and were impressed. But most listeners won’t know anything of the real Kripalu Maharaj, a man who raped, molested, robbed, and pillaged millions in his 60-plus-year career as a “guru” and self-proclaimed “jagadguru.”

Kripalu Maharaj comes from a tiny village called Manghar southeast of New Delhi. As a young man, he studied tantra with a guru in Chitrakoot, then started his own organization, self-proclaiming himself as a guru. Because he was handsome and dynamic, he slowly started attracting devotees.

Later on, he opened his first ashram in Vrindaban. At some point, he named his organization the Divine Love Mission. Later on, he changed the name of his organization to include his own name and makeup title, Jagadguru Kripalu Parishat (JKP). Now he owns the largest and likely most expensive temple in the holy city of Vrindaban, along with an ever-expanding property in Mangarh and one in Barsana, India. 

Many Tried to Warn About Kripalu Maharaj

For decades, concerned Hindus and Westerners in India and the U.S.A. tried to warn people about this man and his true nature and criminal behavior, which includes raping underage girls. But his large gang of preachers and brainwashed followers have worked day and night to bury the bad news and publish glowing articles and videos about him. 

While the JKP organization has over one billion dollars (U.S.) and can afford an enormous marketing and public relations campaigns, the victims who have been hurt by Kripalu and his brainwashed followers are left without a voice.


This article features many of the voices of those who have tried to warn others about Kripalu Maharaj over the years. Their message is important because it can help people learn the truth and save themselves from the clutches of Kripalu’s dangerous cult.

“There have been threats on the lives of people by this sect.”

On August 31, 1990, someone from the U.S., who was too afraid of JKP to use their real name, wrote the following letter to the Prime Minister of India in New Delhi at that time, Mr. B.P. Singh.

Dr. Mr. Singh,

I had been thinking to write to you for a long time but could not do so. Today I have decided to write you with the hope that something will be done to stop the corruption and abuse played by so called Sadhus of India. When you came to power there was and is a hope that corruption will be wiped out.

In USA, there is a lady who calls herself the Didi Parkari, but her real name is KumKum G. Sharma. Her guru is Kripalu Maharaj. He has an ashram in Mangarh near Allahabad UP. Kripalu calls himself a Jagadguru. This Didi has collected huge sums of money from and is involved in gold smuggling.

We Indians would appreciate it very much if an inquiry is made against this Didi and jagadguru Kripalu Maharaj. There have been threats on the lives of people by this sect. That is why nobody is coming forward to write directly.

We are enclosing all the documents we have here, and hope something would be done to curb the moves of this sect.

With Regards
Yours sincerely,
Indian People

“We did not give any Jagadguru title to this fraudulent man.” — Kashi Vidvat Parishad

Someone posted the following message on a blog about fake gurus following the arrest and conviction of Kripalu’s “foremost devotee,” Swami Prakashanand Saraswati, following his conviction for child molestation in Texas.

It is nothing new to hear sex, rape, harassment, and sexual abuse scandals of the so-called “Jagadguru Kripalu Maharaj.” He is an all-time sex and fraud guru. I remember reading a leaflet about him released by Kashi Vidvat Parishad in 1940s. The translated text said:

“Let everybody in India know that the so-called jagadguru Kripalu is misusing the title of Jagadguru. He is pretending that we, the Kashi Vidvat Parishad, gave it to him. This, however, is wrong and a lie.

“We did not give any Jagadguru title to this fraudulent man and he should not be using this title at all on the name of Kashi Vidvat Parishad. Kashi Vidvat Parishad does not know him and has nothing to do with him.

With this misuse of the Jagadguru title, he cheats the innocent public of India on the name of Kashi Vidvat Parishad.”

Signed, Kashi Vidvat Parishad

“You will know the demon Kripalu by the mark below his left eye.”

Sometime after Kripalu Maharaja’s first arrest in India for raping two underage girls, someone prepared the following warning notice on a flyer, which they posted in communities where Kripalu Maharaj preached.

Alert. Alert. Alert.

Here is information about the human demon — Kaliyug Chaitanya Mahaprabhu — the fake Jagadguru — Kripalu’s deceptive conduct.

This notice is for all of the religious people in this area to inform them that a man calling himself a “Jagadguru” is living here and there in these places (Raigurth, Vilaspur, Mugali, Raipur, Rajnundgav, and Bhatchara). This Alert is to inform good people about him. A pundit from Kashi was contacted to confirm this information.

Kripalu does kirtan and has a little knowledge of Sanskrit. So, people go to hear him. It is known that during one kirtan in Kanpur he claimed to make a girl feel like a gopi and himself to feel like Krishna. Then he kissed her and engaged in immoral behavior with her (had sex).

When this happened many people got angry. So, someone threw acid in his face during a ras leela. The skin around his eyes was damaged, but he got treatment. However, there is still one small spot from the acid below his left eye. That is the mark that identifies him as the one who performed these immoral activities with underage girls. He tried to pretend that that mark is some disease.

He has used the title of “Jagadguru,” which he had never received, but with which he’s trying to cheat the people. According to the Kashi Vidwat Parishat, he was never given the designation of Jagadguru by them. He made it up. He artificially awarded this upadhi (title) to himself.

God Save Us From this Extremely Demonic Mahatma

In an article about him, published in a journal article, inform the world about him. The title of the article was, “God Save Us From this Extremely Demonic Mahatma.” A journalist received a letter that was written by one devotee and it’s described here.

The person who wrote the letter saw this mahatma doing kirtan, during which he became unconscious, fell on ground, and had tears from his eyes. So, the man became impressed and accepted him as his guru, and Kripalu accepted him as his devotee.

But later he saw Kripalu’s true character and behavior and was shocked. Then he started thinking all kinds of thoughts about him. Then he got scared. He felt that if he told anyone he would be committing “guru aparadh” (transgression against a guru).

At that time, Kripalu was staying at many rich people’s homes and giving many eloquent lectures, and he was impressing the people. But he was playing with the people’s emotions and stating that he himself was the avatar of Chaitanya Mahaprabhu.

When that devotee who wrote the letter was staying with him day and night, he realized his character and manner of dressing, which was exactly like family man. But his lustful behavior was at peak level. During the day, he was eating 100 pan with nicotine. And he was raping beautiful pious young girls and taking their virginity. All these things he saw with his own eyes. He quit his association and went away from him.

After three months this devotee wrote the letter. At that time, the guru was staying at a lawyer’s home. The devotee wrote to Kripalu. He stated that his behavior is not that of a real mahaprabhu and he gave the example of a true mahaprabhu from Gosai Chalissa (Ram charan punkaj anurag).

“We are sharing this information to alert people about this bad demonic person.”

But still people were impressed by his lectures, and inviting him to stay in their homes. But at that time he was taking advantage of the innocent, beautiful young girls, and destroying their virginity after telling them, “I will destroy your material desire and I will reveal God to you.”

The innocent girls did not understand, and under his influence were having sex with him. Wherever he was staying, his sexual behavior with the girls was getting worse and worse. Those innocent people were not recognizing his behavior and were thinking about guru aparadh, and so did not expose his behavior.

You can check out this particular article and whatever is described here in the “Kalyan Journal.” It was published in Gita Press. Now we are sharing this information to alert people about this bad demonic person. If you go for kirtan, be aware of the true nature of this “religion.” Do not let your mothers and sisters anywhere near this deceptive person, who has obsessive sexual desires.

You can identify the demon Kripalu by the mark below his left eye.

Dear Readers, Thank you for listening to these voices.

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Learn More About Kripalu’s True History in My New Book.
Sex God — The Secret Life of a Dark, Dark Guru

Coming Soon!

Copyright © 2012-2025 Karen Jonson/RishikaXcult. All rights reserved. No part of this blog post may be copied or duplicated without the express permission of the author.

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All information and photos shared on this blog, Rishikacult.com, are for educational purposes about the worldwide, public organization called Jagadguru Kripalu Parishat.

All articles are written by me, Karen Jonson (Rishika), or by contributors who want to share their first-hand experiences in this cult (usually anonymously). I won’t share your personal information without permission.

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