Home My Books “Good” is a Relative Term Considering the Subject Matter of My Book

“Good” is a Relative Term Considering the Subject Matter of My Book

by Karen Jonson (Rishika)
Published: Updated: 0 comments

After working on my book for four years, I’m now receiving feedback from people who are reading a pre-publication copy. Seven people volunteered to read my book and give me their thoughts, including two former devotees from JKP, three friends who were never in JKP, and two Indian men, one of whom was in the organization for a while.

I was lucky to have a friend who is a writer guide me in the early stages of my book. She provided me with an outside perspective to help me craft my story into a book that would resonate with people who have been in a cult, those who have not, and people considering joining a potentially bogus spiritual organization.

The seven people reading the pre-publication copy of the book have been very encouraging. One ex-devotee’s feedback on the book has included:

“I love this book!!!!!  I can’t wait to read more. Your sincerity and right intentions come through really deeply. So far I am very impressed.”

Another ex-devotee said:

“I’m really enjoying the story. You must have made notes to get all the detail. What memories!”

A woman not in the cult told me:

“What you’re doing is wonderful. It’s well written and definitely interesting. I absolutely think that people will be interested in reading it mainly because it exposes a world that is foreign to so many. I love your honesty in the book. It’s not just about exposing the corruption, but also it’s about you and your personal experiences, and I like that. It ties the reader to something that’s relatable.”

One Indian man wrote:

“Your narrative is very very gripping. Excellent stuff! I like your honesty and truthfulness.”

If there is a problem with the book, it is it’s difficult subject matter: Two “gurus” abusing so many people, including children, for so long. In fact, one Indian man said:

“This is really heavy duty stuff…. I do lose sleep over Hindu dharma being dragged into mud because of the actions of these people.”

It has been a difficult story to tell – and one that I had to take frequent breaks from writing. But I could never stop writing it, because I was driven by the fact that I’m not telling this story for myself.

I am telling the story of the JKP con game as a cautionary tale for other spiritual seekers; especially those who might be too trusting of men dressed in orange clothes bearing stories of God realization through intimate contact with the “gurus.”

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All information and photos shared on this blog, Rishikacult.com, are for educational purposes about the worldwide, public organization called Jagadguru Kripalu Parishat.

All articles are written by me, Karen Jonson (Rishika), or by contributors who want to share their first-hand experiences in this cult (usually anonymously). I won’t share your personal information without permission.

If you have questions, please reach out to me direction at:


@2013-2025 RishikaXCult.com

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