Sex God
Sex God
The True Story of a Dark, Dark Guru
By Karen Jonson (Rishika)
Saint or sinner? What is the truth about Jagadguru Shri Kripalu Maharaj?
Sex God will reveal all.
Stay tuned. Add your name to the notify-me list — and I’ll let you know that it’s published. I’ll even send you a sneak peak!
My first book —Sex, Lies, and Two Hindu Gurus— was the unbelievable but true story of my personal experience of abuse in a Hindu cult. I was not alone in my horrible experiences in that cult. There are thousands of women and girls with similar — and far worse — stories, including extreme emotional and sex abuse.
While the guru claimed to be a saint and incarnation of God, he was actually a rapist and pedophile. He was only interested in the unholy trinity — power, money, and sex.
Since publishing Sex, Lies, and Two Hindu Gurus and starting this blog,, many victims have reached out to me to tell their stories. I was shocked, disgusted, and sad. And their stories made me want to work harder to expose the guru and his crimes.
Sex God tells the whole shocking story of a guru who raped and pillaged for over 60 years — hiding behind the Hindu religion. The goal is to support the uncountable victims and let the world know the true nature of his legacy organization — so they can make an informed decision before giving up their life and savings to a corrupt entity.
A Special Message to Victims of JKP and Kripalu: Do you want to add your voice to the many voices of the victims of this corrupt organization? You can tell your story anonymously — and help warn others? If so, please reach out to me either on my contact page on this blog or at:
It is my fervent hope that Sex God will help expose the dark side of the search for enlightenment — and allow victims of this organization to know they are not alone and people care about them and their wellbeing.