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Sex God

Sex God

Sex God

My Next Book - Coming Soon!

Sex God
The True Story of a Dark, Dark Guru
By Karen Jonson (Rishika)

Saint or sinner? What is the truth about Jagadguru Shri Kripalu Maharaj?

Sex God will reveal all.

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My first book — Sex, Lies, and Two Hindu Gurus — was the unbelievable but true story of my personal experience of abuse in a Hindu cult, called Jagadguru Kripalu Parishat. It was founded by a man named Ram Tripathi (aka, Jagadguru Kripalu Parishat).

I was not alone in my horrible experiences in that cult. There are thousands of women and girls with similar and far worse stories, including extreme emotional and sex abuse.

While this guru and his main partner, Swami Prakashanand Saraswati, claimed to be saints and descensions of God, they were actually very, very corrupt characters play acting at being spiritual. They were only interested in the unholy trinity — power, money, and sex.

At the time that I wrote and published my book, women and girls had not yet reached out to me. Since the time that I published Sex, Lies, and Two Hindu Gurus and started this blog, RishikaXcult, many victims have reached out to me to tell their stories. Even though I already knew a lot about what had gone on in these gurus’ ashrams in India and the U.S., I learned even more. I was shocked, disgusted, and sad. But it just made me want to work harder to expose this monstrosity.

While I have told the stories of the women and girls’ who have reached out to me in my blog with their permission (anonymously), I realized that there also needs to be a book for two reasons.

One reason is to help get the stories out into the world and into more people’s hands. Then they can be better informed about the true history of Jagadguru Kripalu Parishat.

The second reason is to show the world the sheer volume of stories about emotional and sexual abuse. And to show the pattern of criminal behavior that began when Kripalu was very young and continued up until he was about 90 years old — and only stopped when he died.

Sex God also shares insight on the many brave people who tried to stop him over the years. They stepped up to try and protect more people from getting damaged. Alas, he never was stopped.

Hopefully, the power of many voices will convince you that you should stay far, far away from Jagadguru Kripalu Parishat, even though Kripalu is dead now. The sinister origins of this organization should prove that it’s not one iota spiritual. Not only would you be protecting yourself and your family members, but also you would be supporting the many thousands of victims and telling them that their stories matter.

A Special Message to Victims of JKP and Kripalu: Do you want to add your voice to the many voices of the victims of this corrupt organization? You can tell your story anonymously — and help warn others? If so, please reach out to me either on my contact page on this blog or at: rishika@rishikaxcult.com

It is my fervent hope that Sex God will help expose the dark side of the search for enlightenment — and allow victims of this organization to know they are not alone and people care about them.

A Personal Message to Readers of RishikaXcult.com

All information and photos shared in this blog, RishikaXcult.com, are for educational purposes about a public organization called Jagadguru Kripalu Parishat (JKP). All articles are written by me, Karen Jonson (aka Rishika), or by contributors who want to tell their first-hand experiences in JKP (usually anonymously).

If you have questions, please read my book first, because I tell the whole story in "Sex, Lies, and Two Hindu Gurus" (available on Amazon worldwide) and in “Sex God” (coming soon). I never share any information unless you give me permission. If you have questions, you can contact me at directly: rishika@rishikaxcult.com.

@2025 RishikaXCult.com

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Sex, Lies, and Two Hindu Gurus